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White Fly - How do you get rid of them?


Sonnarella on 2014/03/03 at 13:00
White Fly - How do you get rid of them? I got them all over my plants - anyone tipps how to get rid of them? Any help is highly appreceated!
Wanderklaus on 2014/03/03 at 13:00
You could just mix some dish soap with water and spray that on the plant. You have to repeat that multiple days. Be sure to repeat it long enough so they do not come back.
Greti on 2014/03/03 at 13:00
Dish soap is not the best. It works. .. insects breath through their skin. the dish soap clogs the pores of the insects so they choke. That will only work with adult insects, not with larvas.

Back in the days farmers used nicotine as an effective pesticide. To do so, just take the content of an ashtray, and boil it. What you get is a very high concentrated nicotine soup. You can spray that on the plant.
Nicotine is strong poison and the insects absorb it over their skin. They die nearly instantly.

Also, the plant absorbs a bit of the nicotine as well, so when insects are eating it, they die.

But a word of caution: While that "boiled ashtray soup" works very well it is toxic and smells very badly! Do not use inside. After the insekts are gone, you can just wash the plant.
Greti on 2014/03/03 at 13:00
dish soap also hinders the plant to "breath" - so it is not recommended to use it over a long period of time on the plant


3 Answers, 5240 Views

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