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Drivers Licence in Spain

Canary General

DrDoktor on 2014/03/03 at 13:00
Drivers Licence in Spain If you are coming from a country where the drivers license is valid without any termination date, you probably want to know what you have to expect, when living in Spain where the drivers license is not valid unlimited.

While it is not needed in general to register your drivers license, you still have to care for the spain rules about the drivers license. That means, after a maximum of 2 years after you have moved to spain, you'll have to pass the health check otherwise your drivers license will get invalid (in spain).

Because of that you have to register your license sooner or later otherwise you risk a fine for driving with an invalid license.

There is no need that you have to switch to a spanish drivers license as long as there are no modifications or additional governmental records made.

It is recommended to register your drivers license if you plan to stay longer in spain - that way you will also get informed by mail when your license need to be renewed (which means, that the record in the register will get renewed).


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